Meeting Notes

April 2005

Notes from April 19, 2005 CAMBC Club Meeting
At Anna’s Pizza, 7:00 PM
Next Meeting:
• Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 7:00 PM at Anna’s Pizza
Subcommittee Work – Goals and Updates
1. WCP Trail Maintenance – Led by Will Sanford with members Ted Gayle, Craig
Spears, and Jerry Matthews. Will is looking for crew leaders to help at trail days
or to work on their own, especially on weeknights. Upcoming trail days will be
announced by list-serve and by web. Stay tuned for some summer weeknight trail
work sessions on occasional Monday evenings. CAMBC members who worked
more than 3 trail sessions over the past year (June to May) will get free season
passes to Walnut Creek Park. This year’s passes will be awarded in the next
month. Next trail day: Saturday, May 7 at 10:00 AM. Next one after that:
Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 10:00 AM.
2. WCP Trail Closure– Led by Mike Hurley. Other members: Will Sanford. At
county request, a plan was drafted and reviewed by several people and the
County. Some tweaks still ongoing. Status: Per County request, group is
keeping it simple, emphasizing education, putting hotline and single sign in place
for notification of status, and getting plan into action by kick-off to summer
season on Memorial Day weekend. Need to draft informational flyers and
finalize plan details. Park will simply be “open” or “closed”. See Mike or Will
for more details on latest version.
3. 810 Park Liaison– Led by Al Inigo. Goals: Continue to develop CAMBC
relationship with the county and find out/stay on top of county (legal/public)
process for developing the new park and deciding uses for it so that mountain
bikers do not get left out. Status: The county is trying to get VDOT permission
to create an entrance to the park and parking lot off State Route 810. They are not
yet on to formally deciding user group access.
4. O’hill Liaison– Led by Jay Dicharry. Goals: establish formal POC with UVA
and UVA mountain bike club; look into issue of new road that will connect to
Fontaine and take away O’hill trails; look into issue of new Discovery center
parking area to happen up top. Trail maintenance was done at O’hill just prior to
the O’hill Meltdown. 80% of attendees were CAMBC members. Logs and
obstructions were cleared from the race course. No other updates available at this
5. Sherando Trail Maintenance– Led by Matthew Wikswo. Goal: No trail
maintenance is currently scheduled as recent trail reports have all been favorable.
Contact Matthew Wikswo if you see a need, and he can set something up with the
Forest Service per our volunteer agreement.
6. Greenways Representation– Led by Clint and LoriAnne Barnett. Goals:
Establish CAMBC as a legitimate member of the Albemarle Greenways group.
Attend meetings and offer input to further the interests of mountain bikers.
Report back to club members on new developments, issues, etc. Use this
connection to try to develop our relationship with the RTF group. Status: No
updates as of this meeting.
7. Tools Acquisition – Led by Will Sanford, Mike Smoot, and Dave Wotton. The
committee drew up a $150 budget for new tools as well as a wish list for others
beyond this level. Status: Some of the tools have been purchased. We are
awaiting a pending donation from the UVA Mountain Bike Club to purchase the
rest. Eric Anderson is contacting UVA Mountain Bike Club.
8. Pisgah Weekends – Led by Ted Gayle. Memorial Day trip spots are filled up.
Stay tuned for another trip this fall.
9. Fall Foliage Ride– Led by Craig Spears and Ted Gayle. Goals: Communicate
with Festival organizer about ride leaders needs. Communication is ongoing.
CAMBC will support this ride. Tentative date: October 15, 2005.
10. Grants– Led by Sue George with members Ted Gayle and Clint Barnett. Goals:
look into grant options such as Kona Free ride grant, REI Toolkit, RTF grants
with County or other non-profits. Find out those for which we are eligible and
when to apply. Recruit help to write them as needed once identified. Status:
Some grants identified. We decided not to pursue the Free-ride grant due to time
constraints, but are working with County and club member Matt Day to get
permission for such activities anyway. Our radar is always on…
11. Women’s Ride– Led by Michele Co with help from Erin Johnston, Megan Ross,
and Sue George and others. Goals: establish women’s ride schedule and leaders
and publicize. Status: A schedule of women’s rides on 1st and 3rd Thursdays was
established and is on the web. First one was a success with 7 women. Erin and
Michele are working to coordinate with Richmond and Harrisonburg women for
some joint rides. Cary Hill is working on a flyer which will get distributed locally
12. Beginner Ride– Led by Michele Co, Brent VanDevender, and Ted Gayle. Goals:
establish beginner ride schedule with ride leaders for each and publicize. Note:
Beginner rides may be as short as 2-3 miles depending on who shows up. Status:
A schedule of beginner rides on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays was established and is on the
web. First one on April 26, 2005. Need to publicize.
13. Sunday Social Ride– Led by Craig Spear with help from Jason Hiser. Goals:
Establish Sunday social ride schedule and leaders and publicize. Status: Sunday
social rides are alive and well—happening weekly at WCP, Panorama, and in
urban environs as the weather permits.
14. WNR– Led by Sue George. Goals: continue leading regular night rides. Status:
Ongoing. Stay tuned for upcoming Rhododendron Rides in late May/early June.
15. Wild Ride– Led by interim leader, Matthew Wikswo. Goals: Identify candidate
dates and look into pavilion availability. See if Marty Quinn would like to lead or
co-lead this again. Status: At meeting, we decided to keep Wild Ride a 1 day
event at Sherando. Sue, Marty, Jace, Will, Matthew to advise on dates—need to
pick one very soon!
16. TAKMB– To be established at future meetings. Not until first Saturday in
October. We will host again.
17. Sponsorship Planning – Led by Matthew Wikswo with members Will Sanford.
Goals: Develop sponsorship plan and materials for recruiting sponsors for
CAMBC and present to club for decision on when/if to implement and to sign up
volunteers to input. Status: Preliminary plan was draft since last meeting and
rates for web advertising were decided based on site hits. They are finalizing the
write-up. To do: create sample web page with advertising space and recruit
volunteers to approach local shops about buying ad space and email footer space.
If you have business advertising experience and want to input, talk to leaders.
18. Club Governing Structure – Led by Sue with input from Michele Co, Julie
Jackson. Goals: Look into what if any formal options we might want to pursue
for more formal club governing structure. What do other clubs do? Is IMBA still
pursuing options to help with this? Keep bureaucracy low so it does not detract
from all the good things we are doing. Status: First draft of bylaws and articles
produced by Julie based on SMBC bylaws. Ongoing is effort to clarify elections
and other details.
19. Club Stickers & Business Cards – Led by Erin Johnston (with input from Clint
Barnett). Goals: look into getting us some CAMBC club stickers (cost, etc.).
Status: Sue designed and printed out sample CAMBC business cards. Erin
looked into quotes for stickers and other printed materials. At this meeting, we
decided to have Erin get a few more quotes and stickers and go forward with the
best option. We will sell for small profit as fundraising for the club.
20. T-shirts – Led by Clint Barnett (with input from Erin Johnston). Goals: look into
getting us some CAMBC club t-shirts (costs, gauge club interest, other details,
etc.). Status: See above. T-shirts were put on hold for now since club members
said we had enough of them and expressed more interested in stickers, which
represented smaller investment. Quotes were obtained from Blue Ridge Graphics
and Crazyhorse. Note: Frontrunner signs might be source for WCP wooden signs
in the future. Still to look into SMBC’s source for stickers.
21. GWNF Protection – Led by Sue George. Goals: continue work with pro-
Wilderness advocates, SMBC, IMBA, and others toward land protection
agreement. Status: Draft MOU was written for mt bikers and wilderness
advocate agreement for GWNF area. Changes to be made over next two months.
We’ve done some talking about strategies for moving forward with preservation
plan. Last meeting by telecon on March 29, 2005.
22. VA State MTB Association –Sue George and Mike Smoot Attended in early
February 2005 in Harrisonburg. Clubs from around the state were interested, but
no further progress has been made.
23. Membership – Mike Smoot will send out membership reminders at least as often
as once after each bimonthly club meeting.
General Notes and Announcements
• Meetings will be conducted on a bi-monthly basis during the mountain bike
season. Frequency may be decreased over the winter.
• Members expressed interest in co-hosting or helping to host a racing type event
locally, but due to current time of year and other obligations, not until 2006
• Michele Co replaced Rich Shelley as board member. Rich’s many years of
service, both before and after CAMBC came into existence, are greatly
appreciated. Thanks, Rich!
• Craig Spears will be representing CAMBC at the St. Anne’s Bellfield school Earth
Day event on Friday, April 22, 2005.
• An interest in long rides in the GWNF for non-experts (beginners and
intermediates) was expressed.
• Charlottesville Youth Triathlon is happening August 28th and will be promoted by
local Tri club. Volunteers are sought.
• Club members expressed idea to hold a spring mountain bike festival in 2006.
Possibly in conjunction with the Dogwood Festival. Scott Smith suggested some
money might be available to support such an effort as they are trying to encourage
regional events.
• Club members who want to try night riding should email the list to ask to borrow
lights. Some members have lights they will loan if they can’t make the ride
themselves or if they have spares.
• Club members who need to borrow a bike for a beginner or out of town visitor
should email the list. Some folks said they have spare bikes they would loan.
• Scott Smith volunteered to talk to ACAC about possible ways to get more kids
involved in mountain biking and revitalizing the Junior Rides previously led by
Rich Shelley and Scott, but put on hold indefinitely due to lack of attendance.
Scott had the idea also to advertise the TAKMBD in schools beginning with the
next school year in August.
• Someone suggested creating a web page covering weekly rides (like Sunday
Social and WNR). Craig Spears and Sue George to provide input to Mike Smoot
on each type of ride.
• We discussed sending CAMBC volunteers to the RTF work day the first Saturday
of June. Will to contact Diane Foster and “pave the way”.
Financial State of the Union
• Bank account $568.49.
• Usual expenses ongoing: monthly web hosting.
• Recent Expenses: Part of the $150 allocated to tools at February 2005 meeting
has been spent.
• Upcoming expenses known: IMBA club renewal (June), CAMBC domain
renewal (May), Club Insurance (August)
• Upcoming income: Membership Renewals. Possible donation from UVA
Mountain bike club for trail maintenance tools.
Things to change for next meeting
• Do introductions of all attendees prior to starting meeting.
• Make meeting shorter overall. This one was too long! But the patience of
everyone there was greatly appreciated.
• Circulate attendee list.
Miscellaneous (carry-overs from last meeting):
• There is a copy of the IMBA Trailbuilding Book in the Tool shed. It is available
for CAMBC members to borrow. Several other members have a copy they are
willing to loan. Contact: Will Sanford
• Reminder: All club members are encouraged to use the CAMBC list-serve at any
time to announce rides or related events.
• We have club liability insurance due to our IMBA affiliation. This is in effect
whenever we lead a publicized CAMBC club ride. The insurance protects ride
leaders, club members, club leaders, etc. Publicized rides include those
announced by list-serve and flyers. The insurance does not cover any rides or
events for which participants must pay to enter (for example: a race put on by
CAMBC or if we were to charge money to do the Wild Ride).
Attendee List
Attendee list was not circulated for this meeting (OOPS!). Approximate headcount: 15
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