Meeting Notes

August 2015

CAMBC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: August 24, 2015, 7:00PM, David Stackhouse’s house


Shawn Tevendale, Dave Stackhouse, Will Sanford, Sam Lindblom, Matt Jones, Kristi Lombard, John Lewis, Ken Crawford (secretary)

(3) Motions voted on

  1. $2000 Preddy Creek Trail maintenance Funds
  2. $1000 Tool Purchase
  3. $500 High School Racing Team Funding


  • Discussed CAMBC blogger/newsletter/
    • Dan Testa prospective candidate. We need to start getting him information to write about.
    • Website has the ability to package up all content into a quarterly newsletter
  • Financial summary
    • Best/healthiest year to date
    • Great CAMBC brand
    • $25,356.99
    • Top of the Hops – Sept 29
    • A few Jerseys are left at Sam’s house
    • Need Chimney Chase check – all proceeds due CAMBC.
  • Discussed Preddy Creek trail maintenance
    • Propose $2K of advanced trail trailwork
    • Motion to spend money on Preddy to do lap around outter loop –
      • Cap at $2K – Brock (Ironwood Outdoor), request county to stage a machine and have Matt assist.
        • Vote: 8 yay, 0 nay.
  • Events: 
    • SM100, September 6
      • Shawn to provide some canopy
      • Aid Station 6-> Challenge – No wrench support,
    • Lockn’, September 10-13
    • New Belgium Clips, September 17
      • We get $1000 to $1200
    • Paranormal, October 17
      • 8-9 miles.
      • Expanded acreage
      • Expanded camping
      • Team Funding -> CAMBC will solicit local bike teams to earn funds
      • Ken takes Point on Paranormal
        • Scope is food, cooking, tent, beverages, set ups, money box, volunteers from general membership to participate
    • IMBA Trail Care Crew, October 17
      • Show up on Thursday, flags trail, group ride,
      • Friday they teach land manager training
        • CAMBC provides breakfast
      • Saturday classroom session up to 60 peeps
        • IMBA has registration site
        • CAMBC provides morning snacks, lunch
        • Trail ends at 5:00, paranormal starts at 4:00.
      • Ken to include Tim Moubray from Orange County Parks and Rec
      • Need volunteers to get food for the weekend, tools, trailer,
    • TAKMB – October 3.
      • West side of McIntire
      • Owner TBD, CAMBC jr. possibilities, Colleen? Chris Hoy?
  • Capital: 
    • Shed acquisition
      • RTF shed needs to move
      • Maybe we move trailer next to RTF shed
      • Gentrification of site lends itself to a safe place for trailer
    • tool purchases
      • Approach Fifth Season for possible tools
      • Motion – Jon approaches 5th seasons for discount for tools
        • Ben
      • Motion: Cap new tool purchase at $1000 – Voted. 6 Yays.
        • Accessibility is key to make tools available to the location that will be using them.
  • Trail projects
    • Ragged Mountain
      • No Bikes” signs are gone.
      • Albemarle County has code that dictates only walking permitted at Ragged. Chris G. needs to have that code rescinded.
      • Land is owned by the city, county land use code specifies hiking only.
    • Preddy grade reversal clean outs – Voted for trail work funds
    • Should CAMBC entertain trail grant writing. Define what grant, when to write and who to write.
    • Action Items: Form a grant writing committee (David, John, Sam). We need a political advocacy committee (Shawn, Sam) to push for trail change.
    • Ohill summer work summary
      • 5-7 work days happened. Hiser great participant. University has shown enthusiasm.
    • Jon C has been going to RTF board meetings. Gave report. City has new park land from 20S, Corey Park/Morris Creek. Desperate need for brush cutter. Meadowcreek Park wants bridges built. RTF workdays have many people show up for trail days.
  • Summer Epic Ride Series – SERS. Drew Duke, Hiser, Matt Jones owns facebook page.
    • Who is going to champion weekday rides.
      • Matt Jones to sponsor Wednesday nite rides (Preddy Creek/Tevendale Farms)
  • Tech Support Issues
    • Watch/observe/report to Matt to feed him write ups to post
    • Should we hire a professional photographer to capture moments. End game is to get a photo archive for mailings and newsletters. $250 to $400.
  • Should CAMBC financially support the local Mountain Bike Teams (Cutaway, CRC/BRC, Monticello High School)?  If so, what are the constraints
    • Sam is Monticello coach.
    • (4) Teams including Miller. Monticello HS, CRC/BRC Jr Team and Cutaway (for profit)
    • Joe Hoskins. Will be a team at CHS
    • Can CAMBC contribute to success of sponsoring local student clubs
    • Shawn explained NICA ( – A set of rules how teams will conduct, training, insurance, officials. Takes MTB from grassroots to something more official. Not cheap. Where does the money come from to make this happen.
    • What is our return for our dollars. Our investment. How does this benefit local mountain biking in Charlottesville. Trail advocacy, trail maintenance, volunteerism, helping out with race events.
    • CAMBC can help them fund raise. How much money do the teams need? CAMBC can teach how to build trails. Help in organizing, help in training.
    • Will voices $500/team for trail building and trail building contract.
    • $231/kid/season registration cost
    • Getting a boys/girl club team is in best interest from CAMBC.
    • Shawn has taken the position that if you put the BRC logo on your jersey for the MTB team he will give $500/team.
    • Should we pursue jr membership level of fee for jr mtb members like $5.00
    • Motion: $500 per team for one year in any area we have an MOU with, 3 hours/team member of trailwork broken into two sessions and CAMBC logo needs to go on jersey. – 100% Yay.
  • Board Vacancies
    • Jon Ciambotti and Kristi Lombard are resigning.
    • Send out email to CAMBC membership soliciting replacements. Can board members stay on until replacements found? Kristi – Yes. Jon – Yes.
    • Potential board member: Morgan Cuthirds – Fortuna founder.
    • Sam says we are too old and we need younger hipsters as board members but doesn’t know any young people.
  • John brought up park repair stations
    • Should we purchase $1000 repair station and place at local parks.
    • Tabling.
  • John brought up idea of collecting strava segments to put together a map.
    • Is there interest. Matt interest. We should put together a strava heat map.



Meeting Notes

November 2014

CAMBC Board Meeting

November 25, 2014


Sam Lindblom via phone

Dave Stackhouse

Jon Ciambotti

John Lewis

Kristi Lombard

Will Sanford

Matt Jones

Ken Crawford (tardy)


Shawn Tevendale

Financial Update by Dave Stackhouse


22,851 in bank account

after recently paid 3645 for 50% of the jersey deposit to Cutaway

received $750 from MJH for Jersey Sponsor

Still need $750 from Blue Ridge Cyclery and the Great Outdoors Provision Co.

Expecting a balance of around 26000 after jersey sale is complete.


Recent outgoing money includes

$500 to Rob Eastman for training to lead beginner rides

$500 to RTF to help defray the cost of stolen tools


Fund raising

2014 = $6828

$1035 – New Belgium Clips and Beer with Betty World Betty

$591 – Lockn

$500 – (plus 500 for the 2013) Shenandoah Mt 100

$1708 – Pavillion Beer Pouring

$405 – food sales (for example Scud Fries and the Paranormal)


91 Jerseys sold !!

30ish extra jerseys for sale at BRC only. no online sales. We can order a minimum of 6 at a time from Cutaway


119 paid members!!

2014 Awards

Rob Eastman – Beginner Ride leader of the Year for leading the beginner rides (sorry but no physical award because we just gave him a big boy saw)


Jason Hisor – Ride Leader of the Year.  SERS and Tuesday Supersecret Rides – give new CAMBC jersey for free. XXXL other than Burnt Orange


Alex Kurland – Trail Worker of the Year – lead all CAMBC member with 28 hours of trail work – gets Silky Big Boy saw


Chris Hoy – Trail Volunteer of the Year –  United Way day of Caring trailwork, Lockin leader, SM100 Aid Station 2/6 Captain.  Give new CAMBC jersey for free


Board agreed to schedule a date for a CAMBC membership gathering, pot luck, and awards ceremony this winter, perhaps in conjunction with Sam’s winter RTF event.


Trailer Purchase


CAMBC trailer to be purchased from Will Sanford valued at 1800.  Will Sanford abstained in the voting.  Paid in full 111-25-2104. David Stackhouse to register the trailer with DMV.

Tool Shed

CAMBC to put tool shed next to RTF tool shed next to city gardens behind Bodos on the RTF

Will Sanford will look into moving current tool shed from Walnut Creek

Dave Stackhouse will look into a new shed and size necessary for all tools

$4000 cap on purchase of tool shed approved by board

Ragged Mt Update

  • Kudos for everyone who came out or wrote in support of multi use trails at Ragged
  • Land owner on south side of 64 tunnel said “not interested at this time”.  Board agrees extending to south of 64 will take much longer to resolve, and should not be our top priority at this time.
  • Board agreed our focus and energy should be on creating a variety of sustainable, multi-use trails in the existing Ragged Mountain park area.
  • CAMBC to initiate a meeting with Chris Gensic to review trail plan.
    • Important to get immediate input on trail(s) placement and intended use.
    • Desire to create several different trails options in the park

Pump Track Update

  • Chris Little in contact with Lee McCormick from Boulder re. pump track designs and quotes.  Chris is waiting for the City to formalize location to scout and give details to Lee.  Lee will provide quotes for several options (just a plan, a plan and his guidance on-site, turnkey).
  • Board agreed role CAMBC can play is to back up Chris to provide site assessment, volunteers, possible funding and coordination with City.
  • John Lewis will contact Chris to re-iterate our support.


Respectfully submitted


Jon Ciambotti


Meeting Notes

April 2014

CAMBC Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2014 (7:00PM – 9:00PM)

Meeting notes for April 21 club board meeting at Sam Linblom’s house.


Sam Linblom (President), Dave Stackhouse (Treasurer), Will Sanford (Officer), Ken Crawford (Secretary), Matt Jones (Board Member), John Lewis (Board Member), Jon Ciambotti (Board Member)

  • First Order of Business:

The board voted to fill the Treasurer vacancy created by the exit of Pam Crawford.  All present voted in David Stackhouse as Treasurer effective immediately.

Responsibilities include:

  1. Deposits
  2. Payables
  3. Balance Account
  4. Reports (Dave indicates current balance ~$21K)
  • Discussion around board member responsibilities and expectations.  Sam iterated that board members have a duty and a responsibility to the club and its activities.  Sam gave members an opportunity to step down or announce their intentions to shirk responsibilities.
  • Unfinished business:
    • Amend bi-laws to expand board members to 9 and notify/file SEC filings.  Ken to reach out to Al Inigo for legal input.
    • We need to author and post a CAMBC Mission/Vision Statement.
      • Jon C. has vision to ride unobstructed from Ragged Mountain to Nature Conservancy land.
    • Sales tax exemption has expired.  Stackhouse to file.
  • John Lewis volunteered to be Civi-CRM operator/owner
  • Statement that MOUs do expire.
  • iMatt:
    • Website hosting has switched to GoDaddy including updated calendar, trail maintenance notifications and RSS feeds.  Summer EPIC series now have some video feeds.
    • eWaiver is mandatory.  If you are over three months without signing eWaiver you are out.
    • Trailwork feed coming


  • Fundraising:
    • Friday After Five
      • One done
      • Second one pending
    • Vampire Weekend
    • Better World Betty/New Belgium
  • Recent joint CAMBC/RTF ride April 12th had 60+ volunteers working on route between Sandridge and Old Ivy.
  • Rides:
    • Rob Eastman to host beginner rides
    • Night Rides at Preddy possible
      • Pick a Wednesday 2nd/4th  of the month
        • Ken to lead and announce
        • No less than 3 windshield passes in the parking lot
          • Coordinate with Amy Smith of ACPR
  • OHill MOU – Waiting for Don Sungrew for email or formal agreement to enable CAMBC to take ownership of trail maintenance without need for prior permission for minor reroutes and chainsaw use up to 18”.
  • Azalea Pump Track – Needs champion.  Possible candidate is Chris Gensick (sp)
    • Could we submit a grant proposal for a pump track at Preddy?
  • Richmonds Pump Track:  (
  • Women’s ride:  With the absence of Carrie Hill Ken will approach Lynn to host the Preddy Women’s Ride.
  • MEMBERS MEETING PROPOSAL (3 summer potluck meetings): May 14 (McIntire) & June 25 (Darden Towe), August 06 (Penn)
Meeting Notes

May 2010

 Minutes from CAMBC Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2010

 Meeting place: 1404 Westwood Rd, Cville  6:30 PM

 Present: David Stackhouse, Will Sanford, Al Inigo, Francis Schmit


Treasurer’s report


Francis reported on recent club expenditures, as follows:


  • $240 tree puller


  • $222 volunteer gifts


  • $225 Dale Dudley (ditch witch rental for use at Preddy Creek)


  • $95 maintenance/repairs on Ditch witch


  • $205 printing costs for flyers at bike shops


  • $60 lunch at Preddy Creek workday


  • $41 first aid kits


  • $545 New Brusher/Trimmer (used for first time, with great success, at Whetstone work day)


  • $1110 new pop up tent bearing CAMBC logo


The current (i.e. after above expenditures) balance in the Club treasury is approximately $17,500




Francis also reported that there were a flurry of membership renewals after Dave’s recent email, and there is $2154 balance in PayPal from new memberships and donations, which will be transferred to operating account.








Old Business




Laura Bechtel and Rob Cook are co‐chairs of new membership subcommittee to get accurate membership information and current status; Rob has database and exploring ability to keep on web based storage to have access, he is updating email information. Once we have accurate information on current membership status, the drive to gain new members will continue. Currently, we have approximately 85 verified members.




Still under development with Alex O’Neill taking the lead, and Michelle Co and Matt McClellan now assisting.




Alex has samples of t‐shirts with agreed CAMBC logo.




PREDDY CREEK – county continues to have one work day per month


BLUE RIDGE SCHOOL ‐ Tony Brown from the school wants people to ride their trails, but they need it to be organized group rides. The Board considered how to encourage more people to come out for organized.




The Board discussed the possibility of moving some of the funds currently in the operating account into some type of interest bearing account, both to accrue interest and to segregate from operating account. Francis will look into CD options.






The Board agreed that the Club should have a permanent mailing address. The Board voted unanimously to obtain a P.O. Box for the Club, and Al Inigo will look into the sizes/rates for a P.O. Box at the Downtown Mall Post Office.


The Board authorized Francis to obtain a check/debit card linked to operating account to facilitate purchases.


Carey Hill is the new club “ride coordinator” and will coordinate regularly scheduled rides and getting these rides posted to the website calendar. Carey is already hosting regular beginner rides. We hope to expand the variety of regular rides.


Dave reported that he had been in communication with representatives of the RTF, and that Rex from the RTF was invited to collaborate with CAMBC on possible joint interests and trail building opportunities.


The Board discussed the possibility of trail committee, and the possibility of hosting a trail maintenance instruction day in conjunction with a work day.


GENERAL CLUB MEETING – The Board scheduled a general club meeting for 7 PM on May 25th at Anna’s Pizza. The Club will recognize outgoing board members, volunteers for 2009, hand out trail passes earned by volunteers, and provide status/update on Club activities.




The meeting concluded at approximate 8:20 PM.

Meeting Notes

July 2008

CAMBC Meeting Notes

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 7:00 PM, Anna’s Pizza





CAMBC Board and a variety of Members in attendance (not recorded)


  1. Welcome (Chris) Call meeting to order




  1. Introductions (Carey) (ask everyone present to go around and say name and highlight any particular involvement with CAMBC or area in which they’d like to get involved. Remind them to sign attendance sheet. Circulate an attendance sign-up sheet for filling in name, contact email, contact phone.



  1. Financial State of the Union (Ted) (what is current balance and highlight recent significant incoming cash or expenses)




  1. Membership Update (Marty) (how many current members, encourage renewals of any outstanding members)




  1. Grant Info (Will) (CAMBC received $4,800 grant from BAMA Works. This will be used to aid in machine rental, education, and safety equipment. We’ve already purchased a grip hoist. More grant money will be needed, and we need someone willing to chase this (but we’re sitting pretty right now…).)



  1. Pavilion update (Marty) (shows seen, money collected, next chance to volunteer)




  1. United Way Day of Caring (Chris) (Brief overview. CAMBC needs two or three to lead a 20 person trailwork party. This looks like a Wednesday….)



  1. Next Trailwork Event (Ted/Jason/Marty) – Walnut? Sherando Date? Project?



9.  Preddy Creek Update (Will)


County assessment of existing trails completed. (Pass maps around). Assessment is vague, perhaps intentionally to allow greater room for us. Round table planning session this summer, input needed.


CAMBC point man, besides Will is needed. Ideal person lives close to Preddy (ie highly motivated), is a frequent trail work participant, owns vehicle with good tow capacity. – Francis Schmidt? Jessie Huddleston? Mike Walling?


Round table input discussion (see attached/last page)



  1. Wild Ride Planning (Marty/Chris) – (Select “volunteers” to plan this shindig)



  1. SM 100 Support (Chris) – Labor day weekend, CAMBC running aid station








  1. Rides and Events for 2008 (Carey) – go through the list and solicit 1-2 volunteers to coordinate each. Those leaders should meet outside of this meeting and come up with a schedule to publish on our website (if not a weekly ride). Be clear as to who is doing what—this will form the basis of much of what we do and who is in charge of what for the rest of 2008.)
    1. a.    Women’s Rides – Carey
    2. b.    SERS – Jason


  1. c.    Monday Rides (Will)
  2. d.    Beginner Rides


  1. e.    Expert/Fast Rides

__  WNR’s (Dave W.)_


g.  TAKMBD (upcoming)

_    ____________________ __








13. Unfinished Business – Pump track, freeride park.






14. Open floor to members.






15. Forest Service Plan Revision Meeting(Ted) –


  1. This plan will guide management decisions in the GW.


  1. Carpool to Lexington for upcoming meeting July 17 (Will to provide exact date/time)


  1. Encourage people to join IMBA, the VA numbers are pathetic. Chris Scott, our Virginia representative is on top of this. Strong membership numbers help substantiate his position on all these topics.





16. Schedule Next Meeting Date/Time and Location (Carey) – Recommend Tuesday, Sept 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM


Preddy Creek Fact Sheet/Questionnaire



What is Preddy Creek? Approximately 564 acres owned by Albemarle County, located at the intersection of Albemarle, Greene, and Orange County. 453 acres are in Albemarle, 104 acres in Orange, and about 7 acres in Green. This property has been owned by Albemarle for 20+ years and was originally bought as a lake/reservoir site. The lake was never built because of environmental or capacity issues. I’ve heard both stories but don’t know which is correct.


CAMBC pitched the idea of a multiuse trail park at this location to the planning commission over a year ago, and it went over very well. Albemarle has finished its initial assessment of the property. We hope to have round table trail design session this summer with interested parties and ACPR. The goal is to be building trail sometime this fall.


Prior to the round table design meeting, we want input from you on the following:



–       Horses do we want them, can we avoid them, how do we manage them, shared or separate trails or separate use hours, keeping people off the trails when wet?






–       What features do people want (skills park? Alternate expert lines? Berms? Off leash dog area?). People should be willing to build their feature if they want to be taken seriously.







–        Tool trailer storage, northern part of the county.




–       ATV’s, same as horses, but County seems set against ATV’s at Preddy so this is likely an non issue at Preddy. What about Byrom?



800 homes to be built on backside in Greene, should this subdivision have official direct access…to an Albemarle funded park? I think access from the subdivision is unavoidable wanted or not. I’d like Albemarle to negotiate w/ the developer for some bridge funding or something similiar. This would benefit the developer as park access could officially be advertised. Emergency access to the backside of the park could be a benefit too.





–       One argument is that Albemarle is footing the bill for a park that seems to equally benefit Greene and Orange. Would non-county residents be willing to pay to play if the money went straight to the park? Could Orange and Greene be directly asked for a contribution to funding the development (I don’t see this as very likely to happen)?






–       Rustic or developed parking areas, ie gravel & outhouse, or asphalt and plumbing? I think ACPR is concerned over $$. I think we need to push the low budget scenario, focus on getting the trails in. Walnut only has an outhouse most of the year.


News!! — Parks and Rec is leaning to the low budget scenario (10 years is a kids childhood) and will eventually develop more sophisticated parking and trailhead facilities.




–       Preliminary trail design has a stacked loop system that grows progressively more difficult the further you get from the parking lot. A perimeter trail goes around the outer edge of the property. Each loop (easiest, intermediate, most difficult) begins and ends near the road frontage of the outer loop. This is to allow better EMC (Emergency Medical Care) access to each trail and to maximize the length of the outer loop as it is can be incorporated in to a route that basically covers every trail in the park, say for a race. Total distance is estimated at about 20 miles.


This design is definitely open to modification. The only requirement is a sustainable alignment, meaning topo lines shouldn’t be crossed at more than a 45 degree angle (unless it’s a switchback) and the slope across the lines shouldn’t exceed 10% (you’ll need to now the scale of your map to keep that in check).



–    Other input

Meeting Notes

September 2008

CAMBC Meeting Notes

Tuesday, Sept 16, 2008 @ 7:00 PM, Anna’s Pizza


CAMBC Board and a variety of Members in attendance (not recorded)



  1. Welcome (Chris) Call meeting to order




  1. Introductions (Carey) ask everyone present to go around and say name and highlight any particular involvement with CAMBC or area in which they’d like to get involved. Remind them to sign attendance sheet. Circulate an attendance sign-up sheet for filling in name, contact email, contact phone.



  1. Financial State of the Union (Ted) (what is current balance and highlight recent significant incoming cash or expenses)




  1. Membership Update (Will) (how many current members, encourage renewals of any outstanding members)




  1. Wild Ride Info (Chris) (Who are the volunteers helping put this together. What do you need done?)




  1. Whetstone update (Will) Mt bike access at Whetstone is at risk from Wilderness threat. Please write the Forest Services and tell them:
    1. a.    Existing management policy is working well


  1. b.    CAMBC has done 386 hours of work at Whetstone since 2006


  1. c.    Trail work is difficult due to the length. Mechanized gas powered brushers make it possible for a crew to clear the trail, but its still a full day. Gas brushers are not compatible with Wilderness.




  1. United Way Day of Caring (Chris) (Brief overview. CAMBC needs two or three to lead a 20 person trailwork party. This looks like a Wednesday….)



  1. Next Trailwork Event (Ted/Jason) – Walnut? Sherando Date? Project?



9.  Preddy Creek Update (Will)


Will has met with disc golfers and horse users to develop a trail plan that has minimal friction between various user groups. Hope is to speed up approval process with ACPR. Also extended offer to RTF, but have not been able to facilitate meeting. Very important meeting on Thursday with ACPR. Hopefully the conceptual trail plan will be approved.


CAMBC point man, besides Will is needed. Francis Schmidt is attending Ditchwitch lesson with Will and Ted on Sunday Sept 21.


10. SM 100 Report (Chris) –Good times.




  1. Rides and Events for 2008 (Carey) – go through the list and solicit 1-2 volunteers to coordinate each. Those leaders should meet outside of this meeting and come up with a schedule to publish on our website (if not a weekly ride). Be clear as to who is doing what—this will form the basis of much of what we do and who is in charge of what for the rest of 2008.)
    1. a.    Women’s Rides – Carey
    2. b.    SERS – Jason


  1. c.    Monday Rides (Will)
  2. d.    Beginner Rides


  1. e.    Expert/Fast Rides

__  WNR’s (Dave W.)_


g.  TAKMBD (upcoming)

_    ____________________ __



12. Unfinished Business – Pump track, freeride park.





13. Open floor to members.





14. Encourage people to join IMBA, the VA numbers are pathetic. Chris Scott, our Virginia representative is on top of this. Strong membership numbers help substantiate his position on all these topics) –





15. Schedule Next Meeting Date/Time and Location (Carey) – Recommend Tuesday, Nov 11, 2008 at 7:00 PM

Meeting Notes

February 2008

CAMBC First Meeting of 2008


Tuesday, 02/05/08


Meeting Minutes

2/22/2008 by Chris Hoy, CAMBC Secretary


The Next Meeting will be April 15, 2008 at 7:00 PM. Venue TBD.


CAMBC’s annual meeting was held at Anna’s Pizza, 02/05/08, with an attendance of 19 (listed below).


Attendees: Carey Hill Craig Spear
  Jesse Huddleston Frances Schmit
  Ted Gayle Marty Quinn
  Billy Armstrong Paul Buschetti
  Matt Day Kyle Woolard
  Eric Smith Will Sanford
  Paul Lindblad John Jones
  Chris Hoy Jerry Matthews
  Kristi Lombard Michele Co
  Jason Hiser  


The meeting was called to order by Chris Hoy.


Carey Hill made Introductions and asked everyone present to say name and highlight any particular involvement with CAMBC or area in which they’d like to get involved. A sign-up sheet was circulated for filling in name, contact email, contact phone.



Will Sanford provided a 2007 Recap which highlighted key accomplishments for 2007. Details of these accomplishments can be reviewed on the CAMBC webpage. See the annual letter (with pretty photos). Of particular note was the Wednesday night ride at WC, 850 hours of trail work and ever improving relationships with the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and the George Washington National Forest representatives.


Ted Gayle provided a Financial State of the Union. Our balance is up about $1,000 over last year due in part to Fridays After 5 beverage service and sponsorship of Aid Station 6 at the SM 100 . The club also invested in cooking gear and we are now able to feed groups of people at club events or as a fundraiser.


Marty Quinn provided a Membership Update and indicated that we have about 60 members, (including several that are delinquent in annual dues). We also discussed raising the membership cost to $15.


Ted Gayle advised the group that the Club won a $200 Interchangeable tool kit for trail work through the


IMBA/REI Tool Stash Grant.


Will Sanford provided an update on the BAMA Works Grant. The Club applied for the grant in the amount of $16,000. The request is earmarked for a piece of used, motorized trail building equipment and a 2 axle trailer to haul it on. Since we may get some but not all of the money, additional grants will likely be needed for the $16,000 grant revenue goal. We need a club member to help with Grant writing.


Kyle Woolard gave an update on the McIntire Free Ride Park progress. McIntire is a model for the future and there was much discussion regarding the Club’s role in signage and policing of the trails. There




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was a consensus, that though the Club is involved, the City Parks and Recreation Department should be the “police.” The Club should set a good example and encourage all riders to wear helmets and practice good trail etiquette.


There was no update on the Pumptrack.


The next Trail work event will be led by Ted Gayle and Jason Hiser and will be Saturday, February 9th at 10:00 AM at Walnut Creek. Post meeting update: 30 more hours of work went into the new section near the Maintenance shed. Members are encouraged to check the CAMBC website for March, April and may work dates.


Jerry Matthews received the CAMBC Volunteer of the Year Award. Chris Hoy presented Jerry with a brand new Rogue Hoe for all of his efforts working with the new map at WC and reblazing the trails at WC.


Carey Hill pulled tickets out of the jug for the Trail work Raffle. The table was full of good schwag and every name that was pulled received a prize of some kind, ranging from Pearl Izumi jerseys to IMBA stickers. Several members picked multiple gifts and thanks go out to all trail work volunteers.


There was much discussion about Events and Rides for 2008 . What we really need are volunteers to lead rides. The followings ride are becoming more popular and our goal is to provide group ride options for all abilities.


Carey Hill will be leading Women’s Rides.


The Winter Training Series is led by Shawn Tevendale. Rides available all week. Will Sanford will host intermittent Monday Recovery Rides.


Dave Wotton continues to lead the ever popular Wednesday Night Ride We could use ride leaders for Beginners and Experts


Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day – Date to be determined


Wild Ride – Date to be determined. Committee needed. Consider moving to Spring or Summer. Annual May CAMBC cook out at WC and to award Park passes. Date to be determined.


The meeting was opened up for member discussion. Byrom Park and Preddy Creek plans were of particular interest. Look for additional information in the Fall of 2008.


Will Sanford discussed Fundraising for 2008. We need the money for matching funds for grants. Will briefly discussed a new position (IMBA Regional representative) and the club role as a member of the funding coalition. The paid position would stay on top of current issues affecting trails and riding in the GWNF as well as representation with regards to Wilderness designation. Members are also encouraged to join IMBA.

















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Meeting Notes

May 2007

Notes from May 8, 2007 CAMBC Club Meeting


At Anna’s Pizza, 7:00 p.m.


Next Club Meeting:   TBD


Attendees: Board members in attendance: Will Sanford (President),Carey Hill, Chris Hoy (Secretary), Mary Quinn. 20 total in attendance. See end of document for full list of attendees and events volunteered for.




  1. City Pump Track and Skills park; Headed by Jay Dicharry and Scott Smith. Have had multiple meetings with City and presented some preliminary designs. This would be a good project to write a grant for.


  1. Grant Writing: CAMBC has 501C3 non profit status. People are needed to volunteer pursuing grants. If you are interested in helping out, but weren’t able to attend the meeting please contact:



IMBA Membership Software:

1.  CAMBC is pursuing a pilot program with IMBA to make membership management easier.


Upcoming Events and Volunteers needed:


  1. The Wild Ride will be happening in late August or early September at Whetstone. Marty Quinn will lead the effort to turn this into a premier event. Over night camping and some trail work were also discussed as part of the usual event.


  1. Volunteers are needed to lead group rides. This is a core element of CAMBC and an important part of club promotion. Many thanks to Shawn Tevendale and Dave Wotton for continuing to lead the fast rides and the night rides. Carey Hill has started leading the Women’s rides again. Volunteers for intermediate, beginner, and social rides are needed.


  1. CAMBC’s participation in leading the mt. bike portion of the fall foliage festival is unclear. Prior volunteers indicate the club does not get enough out of the event for the effort put in. If CAMBC is asked, we’ll request some type of donation based on our involvement.


  1. National Trails Day is June 2. CAMBC is assisting the RTF again with the development of more multiuse trail in McIntire Park. This time its on the east side of the train tracks. The day begins at 8:30am on Melbourne Road, just below the CHS football stadium.


  1. Travis Blalock will coordinate another ride at the Blue Ridge School.


  1. Questions? Want to volunteer for something? Have an idea for the club? Contact .


Trail Updates:


  1. Whetstone Ridge has been officially adopted by CAMBC. This means CAMBC will be the “go to” group for volunteer effort on this trail. Marty Quinn has led several trail work events here over the last year, and he’ll work on getting a map up on the web site.


  1. Mint Springs : the new trail has been completed and named the Yellow Mountain Trail or Little Yellow.


  1. At Walnut Creek, Albemarle County has asked CAMBC to do a reroute that will move the trail away from the maintenance shed that the county built in 2005. There will be a perimeter fence built around the shed that will cut the trail off. Initially this will result in a net loss of trail, however a larger reroute is planned that will remove two unsustainable sections and likely result in a net increase in total trail.


General Info and Member suggestions:


  1. Membership and Financial State of the Union. __?? paid members. $1837 in the CAMBC account.


  1. We need signs saying “This trail cheerfully built and maintained by Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club”. Signs shouldn’t be permanent, but put up for a few months.
  2. Craig Spear wants to lead CAMBC’s participation in the Dogwood parade next year.



  1. Horse and ATV use at Mint is evident.


  1. Nick Nichols from Wintergreen is a new member and is interested in exploring opportunities with CAMBC.




  Last Name
First Name  
Clint Barnett
Travis Blalock
Michele Co
Jay Dicharry
Carl Elks
Carey Hill
Jason Hiser
Chris Hoy
John Jones
Michael Lamb
Justin Mathews
Jerry Mathews
Nick Nichols
Walter Owen
Keith Payne
Marty Quinn
Will Sanford
Scott Smith
Craig Sphere
Graham Worth


Meeting Notes

October 2006

Notes from October 24, 2006 CAMBC Club Meeting


At Anna’s Pizza, 7:00 p.m.


Next Club Meeting: TBD


Attendees: Board members in attendance: Will Sanford (President), Jason Hiser, Ted Gayle (Treasurer), Marty Quinn (Secretary). 19 total in attendance. See end of document for (almost) full list of attendees.


Topics discussed:


  1. Non-profit 501(c)3 application revision submitted to IRS. CAMBC received comments on the original non-profit application submission. Board members responded to those comments and approval of the club as a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization is pending.
  1. UVA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was submitted to the director of UVA Outdoor Recreation. Awaiting response from UVA.
  1. Albemarle County MOU was submitted to the Department of Parks and Recreation. Awaiting response from county.


  1. Walnut Creek Park Kiosk has been constructed. If you are out at Walnut, look for in the circular traffic island in front of the pavilion. CAMBC will maintain one of the three sides of the Kiosk with mountain bike related info. Suggestions for what to post are welcome. This Kiosk was paid for in part by an IMBA/Clif Bar grant CAMBC received last year.


  1. Rides
    1. Women’s Ride has seen low turnout as of late – may be restructured for next year – suggestions and other ride leaders welcome. Contact Carey Hill @


  1. Night Rides – tis the season. Look for a night ride at DelFosse Vineyards in Nelson county in the near future. Also look for beginner night rides for folks who have never been out in the dark of night and would like to give it a try. Lights can be borrowed from a few generous club members so feel free to ask if you’re interested.


  1. WILD RIDE had a great turnout – ~32 riders – and hit the peak of the fall colors in the mountains. Advocacy efforts continue:


    1. Our representatives from CAMBC, SMBC and IMBA have met with the Wilderness Coalition folks over the last 2 years and made a lot of progress redrawing the wilderness areas to carve our most cherished trails out of the wilerness areas thus preserving them for mountain biking. Work remains but much has been gained.
    1. The definition of a Roadless Area is the most recent threat to our trails in the George Washington National Forest. Much of the area between Rte 33 and Rte 250 are currently designated as roadless areas but much of it could be opened to logging under the proposed redefinition of a roadelss area.


  1. Fall Foliage ride was a success. Members of CAMBC helped lead some rides for the Fall Foliage tours at Sherando. The timing was right to see some peak fall colors.
  1. Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day (TAKMBD) had a lower turnout than expected (most likely because it had to be postponed for a week due to heavy rains) but nevertheless, those kids that were there had a fabulous time. And the event received TV News Coverage from both FOX and CBS news. Look for video clips of the news features on the CAMBC website soon. And thanks to all the events sponsors: Albemarle County


Parks and Rec, IMBA/Clif, C’Ville Bike and Tri, and Blue Wheel Bicycles.

  1. The Panorama Paranormal saw about 100 people pedal for 6 hours around the manicured trails at panorama farm. This venue is now closed but was opened for this event (and may be open for future events – but remember it is currently closed to mountain biking.)
  1. CAMBC now has business cards – contact a board member if you’d like one/some.
  1. CAMBC also now has full color, tri-fold brochures. Look for them in local shops.


  1. At the Albemarle County Planning Commission meeting the Preddy Creek area was a topic of discussion. The biking community, led by CAMBC, will join forces with the Horse Enthusiast Groups in order to plan the new trails expected.


  1. CAMBC will host a workday on Nov 4th at Mint Springs Park.
  1. Patricia Byrom Park – $400k has been budgeted for the construction of a parking area and general access improvements. Byrom park is a priority over Preddy Creek because of this.
  1. With the addition of 3 new venues to our area CAMBC will be looking for volunteers to lead trail maintenance crews. We will have a lot of trail building opportunities for the nest couple of years and having more people comfortable leading work crews will improve our efficiency as a club to get these areas ready for bikes and therefore benefit the community. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Will Sanford at Volunteers would organize workdays at their convenience, have keys to the trailer full of tools, and will be trained in trail building techniques and tool usage.


  1. CAMBC has applied for a visit from the IMBA Trail Care Crew (TCC) in 2007. The last time TCC was here we had a great workday at Walnut Creek Park and got a tremendous amount of work done. Keep you fingers crossed.
  1. CAMBC will begin leading an Intro to Night Rides night ride once a month. Anyone interested in trying night riding should be on the lookout for an announcement. And any CAMBC members that are comfortable loaning their light to a newby, or anyone with an old set of lights, let someone on the CAMBC board know and we will put that light to use.


  1. CAMBC is looking into the possibility of night riding at Walnut Creek Park. It is currently forbidden. CAMBC will be talking with the County Parks and Rec and hopefully can work something out.
  1. Another option for night rides is Shawn Tevendale’s Farm. Shawn has been gracious enough to let the CAMBC list serve know that his farm is open for night rides but you must contact Shawn directly to schedule the ride. Send an email to the CAMBC list serve to contact Shawn.




Keith Payne


Erica Storey

Jesse Huddleston

Travis Blalock


Will Sanford

Jason Hiser

Marty Quinn


Paul Buschi

Megan Tillet

Eric Anderson


Mike Hurley

Erin Johnston

Mary Carson


Carey Hill

Jerry Matthews

James Gist


Ted Gayle

Meeting Notes

August 2006

Notes from August 8, 2006 CAMBC Club Meeting


At Anna’s Pizza, 7:00 p.m.


Next Club Meeting:   TBD


Attendees: Board members in attendance: Will Sanford (President), Jason Hiser, Ted Gayle (Treasurer), Michele Co (Secretary). 19 total in attendance. See end of document for full list of attendees and events volunteered for.


General Announcements:


  1. Walnut Creek Park has some yellow jacket nests on the connector trail between the lake and the guardrail headed from the parking lot and the creek crossing. Please be careful when riding in this area.


  1. Beth Ike from Boys and Girls Club of Charlottesville and the youth cycling team participating in the Boys and Girls Club Cycling Challenge visited the meeting to encourage CAMBC members to volunteer to help at the event or participate as individual cyclists in the event (September 16-17, 2006). For more information, see A total of 180 volunteers are needed, CAMBC has been asked to help out in any way possible. Interested in volunteering, want to hear more about the volunteer opportunities for this event? Contact Jason Hiser ( )
  1. CAMBC is gearing up to get involved in several exciting events. Thank you very much to those who expressed interest in volunteering to help with these events at the meeting. If you are interested in helping out, but weren’t able to attend the meeting please contact Jason Hiser ( ). (Description of these events is later in the meeting notes.)


  • Boys and Girls Club Cycling Challenge (September 16-17, 2006)


  • Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day (October 7, 1006)


  • Fall Foliage Festival (October 21, 2006)


  • CAMBC Annual Wild Ride (TBD)
  1. 4.     CAMBC’s 501(c)(3) application for official non-profit status has been submitted to IRS. We are awaiting the IRS’s determination.


  1. SMBC Fall Mountain Bike Festival will be happening at the Stokesville Campground. October 6-8, 2006
  1. Alia Anderson from ACCT (Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation) discussed a meeting to discuss priority issues that ACCT will pursue on behalf of bike users. She’d like to have as many bike users as possible attend this meeting (bike commuters, road cyclists, mountain bikers, etc.). Please consider attending this meeting! It will be held in September (date TBD, but will be announced to Watch the listserve for updates!


  1. Fast-Paced Rides have started! Watch the listserve for ride announcements. Many thanks to Shawn Tevendale and Josh Murrah for organizing these rides! Special thanks to Shawn for opening up his private trails to the club to ride on.
  1. CAMBC Stickers have arrived! Many thanks to Clint Barnett for putting up the money to make the initial sticker purchase. Stickers are $5 each and can be purchased from Clint. Michele ( ) also has a few.


  1. 9.     Writer(s) needed for CAMBC Corner (quarterly blurb in SMBC newsletter). Will Sanford and Steven Warner have volunteered to help with the upcoming newsletter. If you are interested in contributing, contact .


  1. Questions? Want to volunteer for something? Have an idea for the club? Contact .


CAMBC Event Planning:


  1. Boys and Girls Club Cycling Challenge, Sep. 16-17, 2006 – Team of 11 boys and girls (13-18) who have not cycled before are training this summer to complete a road cycling century. B&G Club would like CAMBC to:
    1. Work rest stops or help marshal courses
    1. Ride along with the Challengers

Please contact Jason Hiser ( ) if interested in volunteering.


  1. Boys and Girls Club Mountain Bike Challenge Project In development. This would be a similar idea to the road cycling challenge, to train kids for some sort of mountain bike racing goal. B&G Club is currently soliciting ideas for places to ride and/or event to train for.

a.  Here’s a listing of some of the possible goals/ideas that were brainstormed:

  1. Train the youth team to participate in 2-3 local mountain bike races



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  1. Train the youth team for 24-hour relay race


  1. Teach kids about bike maintenance and trail building techniques

Interested in getting involved with this project? Have further ideas? Please contact the

CAMBC board ( )

  1. Take A Kid Mountain Biking, October 7, 2006. This event is for kids aged 8-18 yrs old and will be held at Walnut Creek Park. We had a very successful event last year which included a skills course developed by Craig Spear and several rides led by many, many CAMBC members.

We need volunteers to help publicize, plan, organize, and lead rides for this year’s event. If interested, please contact Michele Co ( (Alia at ACCT noted that Community Bikes has a small fleet of bikes that might be available for kids without bikes to use.)

  1. Fall Foliage Festival, October 21, 2006. CAMBC has been asked to lead a mountain bike ride at Sherando for the Fall Foliage Festival ( ). The ride last year led by Craig Spear, Ted Gayle, and Jason Hiser was very successful. We need volunteers to help mark the route and lead/sweep the ride. If interested, please contact Craig Spear ( ).


  1. Wild Ride, October (date TBD). This is an event to celebrate mountain bike access and heighten awareness of trails whose access might be threatened. The first 3 were held at Sherando. There is a possibility that this year’s Wild Ride will be held at another venue whose access to mountain bikers may be threatened. Volunteers are needed to help bring this event together. If interested, please contact Marty Quinn ( ).


General Updates:


  1. Membership and Financial State of the Union. 73 paid members. $1967 in the CAMBC account ($500 is earmarked for kiosk to be built by Albemarle County at Walnut Creek Park).
  2. Trails and Advocacy Updates
    1. Mint Springs trailwork has been approved by County. This issue was put forth by a member at our last meeting. Will Sanford met with Dan Mahone (County) to discuss possibilities. In summary:
      1. Mint Springs is 450-500 acres of existing Albemarle County park land, whose primary users are hikers, although some bike riding has been occurring without issues.
      2. Care should be taken not to offend the existing trail users, but CAMBC has been given verbal approval to:


  1. Perform trail maintenance to handle trail sustainability issues (reroutes)
  2. Ride bikes on the trails, but, please respect all other trail users.
  3. Build new trails, if approved by the County, according to the following process (similar to the current process at Walnut):


  1. CAMBC develops topo map showing new trail location and gives to the County for approval


  1. If approved, CAMBC flags the route and does a walk-through with County for inspection
  2. If approved, CAMBC builds the flagged route
  3. Trailwork hours donated by volunteers will be good towards earning a County Park pass.
  4. MOU draft is in progress
  5. Next trailwork day may be here. Next several trail work days at Mint Springs will be to handle trail sustainability issues.
  6. Walnut Creek Park – County has given ok to spray the poison ivy. Park users are encouraged brush the trails at their leisure. For trailwork hours credit towards a park pass, please email with the names of the people in your group, how many hours you worked, and what type of work was performed. Note that a typical “workday” is 2 to 3 hours.


  1. O-Hill Liaisons. CAMBC Board and interested members met with Mark Voorhees, Dept. of Outdoor Recreation, UVA


  1. Designated Keith Payne, Marty Quinn, Jay Dicharry as CAMBC liaisons, who will organize trail work events.


  1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is being drafted to send to Mark Voorhees.
  2. Fluvanna opportunity, good for those who live near Lake Monticello. There is a private owner who has ~3-4 miles of trails on his land. Trails are tight, twisty, and need working in. Owner rides once/twice a week and may be willing to lead other people around after



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5pm during the week. Contact Will Sanford ( ) for more information.

  1. Walnut Creek Kiosk. Still in the County’s backlog of projects to be handled. Completion time is currently unclear due to unexpected passing away of the hired contractor.
  2. Preddy Creek. There will be a public meeting held by the County in mid-to-late September to discuss. We need community support in attending this meeting to voice the desires of mountain bikers. Please watch the listserve for announcement of the meeting date. Parks and Recreation has also moved Preddy earlier on the budget consideration to the 2007-2008 budget year. (It was previously slated for 2008-2009 budget year, so this is great news!)
  3. Rte. 810. This area is still awaiting proper VDOT approved line of sight entrance.
  1. Sherando Camping Trip report (7/22/06). Mary Jane Strickland and Craig Spear reported that the Sherando camping trip had a modest turnout, but that everyone had a very nice time. The weather was perfect and the trails were great. Rides were held at Sherando and Whetstone Ridge. If you couldn’t come this year, please consider attending next year!
  1. VDOT Bicycle Map. CAMBC recently submitted listings for Walnut Creek Park and Lake Sherando as riding venues for a proposed VDOT bicycle map.


  1. CAMBC Brochure. Jay Dicharry has designed a beautiful brochure for the club. Keep an eye out soon for the brochures in local shops.


  1. Recurring ride reports (WNR, SSR, Beginner, Women, Fast). All rides are going well. If you’re interested in helping lead some of these rides, please contact




Attendee   Volunteered for..  
  Last Name


Take A Kid

Fall Foliage

Wild Ride

First Name  



Eric Anderson      


Alia Anderson  


Chris Breña  


Jessica Chapman



Michele Co



Richard Covington  


Amanda Duley


Ted Gayle





Kathleen Herndon      


Jason Hiser    



Beth Ike        
Jerry Mathews


Josh Murrah  


Keith Payne



Will Sanford        
Craig Spear  




Mary Jane Strickland        
Steven Warner


Dave Wotton  





















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