O-Hill. It’s rocky, it’s steep, and it is as “in-town” as Charlottesville mountain biking gets. And now CAMBC can help maintain the trail network on O-Hill as well as some other UVA properties.
After 5 years of negotiating we’ve finally signed an MOU with UVA that allows us to build and maintain trails on undeveloped UVA property. This is significant for several reasons. First, UVA is the largest land owner in the City of Charlottesville and has the largest undeveloped land holdings in the City. This leads to the second significance… there are existing primitive trails (single track) on much of UVA’s undeveloped land, including portions of the Rivanna Trail and the trails at Observatory Hill (a.k.a. Ohill). These trails represent the bulk of single track available in the City of Charlottesville, and thus are very popular. Many of the trails on Ohill have gone neglected for 5+ years, plus many were not originally created with sustainable design, so there has been considerable erosion on those trails. This MOU will allow our club to take initiatives to re-route, restore, or otherwise improve the trail system on Ohill in the coming years. Our first trail work day is slated for February 28 where we intend to do a minor re-route to correct an eroded and poorly designed section of the Rivanna Trail on Ohill. This work day will be a joint effort between CAMBC and the Rivanna Trail Foundation.