The City of Charlottesville has just purchased a parcel of land in the Belmont area, near Quarry Park, and Moore’s Creek. The 32 acre purchase protects this land for future use by Charlottesville’s outdoors enthusiasts. The trails may include some of the highest viewpoints in any of the city’s parks. CAMBC looks forward to working with the city to design and install mutipurpose trails. Watch for future updates.
We’d like to thank Chris Gensic, Charlottesville’s Park and Trails Planner for his hard work making this happen for the community.
[cryout-button-color url=”” color=”#47AFFF”]Link to the NBC 29 Story [/cryout-button-color]
[cryout-button-color url=”,-78.4805874,15z” color=”#47AFFF”]Google map of the approximate location[/cryout-button-color]