On Saturday September 27th Jason Smith from Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation, Walter Hussey from theRivanna Chapter, Virginia Master Naturalists and David Wood, John Petrylak and Josh Wall from theCharlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club (CAMBC) participated in a trail work day at Pleasant Grove park inFluvanna County.
The work day was focused on moving a bridge back to its original position spanning a largeditch along the Heritage Trail. The bridge was built by a group of local Boy Scouts early in the spring and shortlyafter was washed down a creek and turned 180 degrees during a torrential rain storm. Luckily, the Scouts did agreat job building the bridge and it survived the trip down the flooded creek intact. In order to move the bridge back to the trail the work team used chains, rope, and a tractor to slowly pull the bridge along 2×10 skids. The whole operation took about 4 hours and the crew was done in time to enjoy the Fluvanna County Wine Festival that took place at Pleasant Grove that afternoon.