Meeting Notes

August 2005

Notes from August 30, 2005 CAMBC Club Meeting


At Anna’s Pizza, 7:00 PM


Next Meeting:


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 7:00 PM at Anna’s Pizza




  1. CAMBC is missing 2 sling blades. If you know their whereabouts, please contact Will Sanford.
  1. All CAMBC tools are now marked with neon yellow for easier tracking.
  1. Special Guest: Dan Mahon of Albemarle County to talk about Scottsville trail building future opportunities.


Subcommittee Work – Goals and Updates


  1. WCP Trail Maintenance – Led by Will Sanford with members Ted Gayle, Craig Spears, and Jerry Matthews. Upcoming trail days will be announced by list-serve and by web. 1st week in September trail day will not happen due to conflicts with Labor Day and SM100.


  1. WCP Trail Closure– Led by Will Sanford with input from club members. A plan was drafted to close WCP trails when too muddy and to educate users about sustainable trail use. No news. Ball is in the county’s court.
  1. 810 Byrom Park Liaison– Led by Al Inigo. Al reported no change in status. The county is still trying to get VDOT permission to create an entrance to the park and parking lot off State Route 810.
  1. O’hill Liaison– Led by Jay Dicharry. Upcoming workday TBD in mid-September.
  1. Sherando Trail Maintenance– Led by Matthew Wikswo. We’re aiming for a workday sometime in November 2005.
  1. Tools Acquisition – Led by Will Sanford, Mike Smoot, and Dave Wotton. No news
  1. Fall Foliage Ride– Led by Craig Spears and Ted Gayle. Communication is ongoing. CAMBC will support this ride and will soon need to recruit ride leaders on Saturday, October 15, 2005.
  1. Grants– Led by Sue George with member Ted Gayle. We submitted an IMBA/Clif Bar grant due July 1, 2005. Amount: $500. Status: unknown. [Note: since this meeting, we found out we won!]
  1. Women’s Ride– Led by Michele Co with help from Erin Johnston, Megan Ross, Carey Hill, and Sue George and others. Women’s rides are ongoing and thriving. Will wrap up at end of September.
  1. Beginner Ride– Led by Michele Co, Brent VanDevender, and Ted Gayle. Beginner rides are ongoing. Will wrap up at end of September.
  1. Sunday Social Ride– Led by Craig Spear with help from Jason Hiser. Sunday Social rides are alive and well!
  1. Interclub Rides– Led by Michele Co.. Two successfully held this summer with Richmond MORE. No new rides scheduled.


  1. WNR– Led by Sue George. Ongoing.


  1. Wild Ride– Led by Marty Quinn and Jace Fogel. Date: Saturday, September 17, 2005. Rain date: Saturday, September 24, 2005.
  1. TAKMB– Led by Michele Co, Ted Gayle, and Sue George. October 1, 2005.
  1. Advertising Planning – Led by Matthew Wikswo with members Will Sanford. No news.
  1. Club Governing Structure – Led by Julie Jackson with input from Michele Co and Sue George. Ongoing writing by Julie. Michele to find out latest status.
  1. Club Stickers & Business Cards – Led by Clint Barnett. Clint to resend pricing info. If board gives approval to do this, we will sell for small profit as fundraising for the club.
  1. CAMBC Brochure – Led by Sue George and Jay DiCharry. Sue working on content. Jay has offered to work some graphic arts magic.
  1. GWNF Protection – Led by Sue George. No news.
  1. Membership – Ted Gayle will send out membership reminders at least as often as once after each bimonthly club meeting.
  1. Blue Ridge School – Sue George met with Blue Ridge School outdoor program folks about possibility of relationship with CAMBC and riding trails there. Ride likely sometime this fall.
  1. Scottsville Trails – Led by Dave Clark. Dan Mahon attended this meeting as a guest and spoke about new trail opportunities in Scottsville (leading to and from and in Dorrier Park) and throughout Albemarle. He reminded us that he has a trailer with handtools available to us for any big workday if needed.
  1. Nelson County – County talked to Ted Gayle about upcoming ATV and possible CAMBC involvement in building it as well as using it. No news.


General (including Ongoing) Notes


  • Meetings will be conducted on a bi-monthly basis during the mountain bike season. Frequency may be decreased over the winter.


  • Members re-affirmed interest in co-hosting or helping to host a racing type event locally, but due to current time of year and other obligations, not until 2006 season.


  • Club members who want to try night riding should email the list to ask to borrow lights. Some members have lights they will loan if they can’t make the ride themselves or if they have spares.


  • Club members who need to borrow a bike for a beginner or out of town visitor should email the list. Some folks said they have spare bikes they would loan.
  • There is a copy of the IMBA Trailbuilding Book in the Tool shed. It is available for CAMBC members to borrow. Several other members have a copy they are willing to loan. Contact: Will Sanford


  • Reminder: All club members are encouraged to use the CAMBC list-serve at any time to announce rides or related events.


  • We have club liability insurance due to our IMBA affiliation. This is in effect whenever we lead a publicized CAMBC club ride. The insurance protects ride leaders, club members, club leaders, etc. Publicized rides include those announced by list-serve and flyers. The insurance does not cover any rides or


events for which participants must pay to enter (for example: a race put on by CAMBC or if we were to charge money to do the Wild Ride).


Financial State of the Union


  • Bank account: $385.07 on hand


  • 53 current members.


  • Have had 101 different members over time.


  • Ted to contact overdue members and remind them of dues status.


  • Usual expenses ongoing: monthly web hosting ($10/month)


  • Recent Expenses: IMBA membership and insurance (~$30 and ~$200).


  • Recent Income: Membership renewals.


  • Upcoming income: ongoing Membership Renewals, $500 grant application submitted (if we win).