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Trailwork Techniques
Shaping Berms
Finish Work
We’re Home Owners!!!
CAMBC outgrew our trusty little tool trailer. We’ve bought an enormous shed to store our tools, house a workbench, and store all the gear we use for area riding events. We even have some awesome neighbors! The Rivanna Trail Foundation’s tool shed is right next door, so we can easily gear up for joint RTF/CAMBC trail work days.
This new shed will help us keep our gear organized and in top condition. It will help us grow our tool inventory as our local trail networks expand, including larger tools like wheelbarrows. It will eventually serve as a great meeting spot for club events, like bike wrenching workshops. The best part is that there is no more crawling around trying to find what you need to build trail. Gone are the days of near decapitation by falling McCleods while trying to grab an ancient Gatorade from the cooler. No more finding folding saws in the box of pancake mix.
On behalf of the Board and CAMBC’s other regular trail workers, thank you for your contribution to the club. This is your membership dollars, volunteer hours, and other donations at work!
The event was a big hit and had around 40 kids and their parents show up! Scott Ramsey did safety checks on all the bikes prior to them entering the riding area. We had a strider course (built by Joe Hoskins) and a wooden roller (built by Mark Brookman). Both were very popular! Skills stations for wheel lifts, turning, and “skinnies” were set up for the kids to rotate between. Several of our BRC Jr team members assisted by demonstrating good technique. We held “slow” races to practice control and had multiple groups head out on different rides on the trails according to skill level. We even had some new-to-riding parents come along! The event ended with the Paranormal kids race. It was lots of fun and couldn’t have been done without the help of so many volunteers- Ellen and Scott Ramsey, Matt Holbrook, Colleen Compton, Amanda Brookman, Annette Dusenbury, Chris Little, Morgan Cruthirds, Gordon Wadsworth, BRC Jr team members and probably others that I’m forgetting. It was great to see so many people involved!
Thanks Drew Duke for the Photos!!!!
Video:Bryce Downhill Park
One of our members, Jay Speidell, visited Bryce Resort for a little downhill riding. He came back with some great video. Here is his report:
I went to Byrce around 10am and met another member, Christopher Little, who was riding with his family and some friends. I split off and did about 18 runs. Trail conditions were dry despite recent rain and extremely fast.There are several trails, but after riding them all I did most of my runs on just two.
Brew Thru: The most popular trail, extremely fast and flowy. Lots of jumps and banked turns and plenty of opportunities to pump for speed. Plus an awesome little sidewinder slalom section. Not much pedaling here!
Copperhead: This is my second favorite after Brew Thru. A couple wooden features, but the highlight is after the first drop. A long rollout to build up speed and then a dirt ramp that sends you up the hill, with a couple tight banked turns right after your wheels touch the ground. The drops look intimidating, and the most can be rolled. After the second drop there’s an option to go through a tight, natural downhill trail in the woods.
All trails finish with doubles, a table top, a wall jump, and a wall ride, except Car Bomb, which finishes on a jump trail. The park is easily doable on a hard tail, the trails are smooth as butter. There aren’t any rocks except a 3 yard section of Copperhead.
Post current trail conditions!
Out scouting trails between rain storms this weekend? Help your fellow riders out by reporting problem conditions (or AWESOME conditions) to [cryout-button-color url=”” color=”#47AFFF”][/cryout-button-color]. The website will post the most informative submissions in the trail conditions box on the right side of the homepage. Trees down? Muddy trail need de-berming? Snap a picture with your smartphone and attach it to the email. Pictures will upload to the site to help guide the next trail work crew to the problem areas.
Keep an eye on the website for developing trail conditions as we all wait impatiently for March to finally dry out. Please remember to allow at least 24 hours for the trails to dry for each inch of rain (allow more time when it is cold out).
(CBS News) Lyme Disease, spread by deer ticks, is much more common than we thought. About 30,000 cases are reported each year, but on Monday, the Centers for Disease Control said thereal number of cases is more like 300,000.
In June 2011, 89-year-old Harry Woske got sick from what seemed to be a summertime flu. The avid gardener suspected Lyme disease when his symptoms persisted.
Woske says he felt “feverish and a little chilly, and achy, and weaker.”
“I almost collapsed and was admitted to the hospital,” he says.
Dr. Joseph Gugliotta of Hunterdon Medical Center diagnosed Woske — not with Lyme, but with borrelia miyamotoi. The infection is so rare, his was just the second documented case in the United States. It is caused by a type of bacteria found in the deer tick, the same tick that transmits Lyme disease and several other illnesses.
“There were patients, actually, that came up negative on all the testing, including Lyme disease,” Gugliotta says. “And we were sure they had something, but we couldn’t prove what they had.”
The bacteria may have caused infection in recent years without being recognized. Researchers have found them in two percent of deer ticks. Lyme is present in 20 percent.
Watch: What you need to know about ticks, below.
Dr. Gary Wormser of New York Medical College was part of a team that found miyamotoi in 18 stored blood samples from patients with and without symptoms.
“What we still need to learn is how frequently is it a cause of human infection, what are the symptoms and signs,” Wormser says.
Wormser says that when a patient comes in with a fever over the summer, a doctor should consider whether it could be a case of the new disease.
“Summertime febrile illnesses, you should think about tick-borne diseases, if there is tick exposure,” he says, adding a tick doesn’t need to be visible.
“All we care about is tick exposure,” he says. “In the majority of the time where you have tick-borne infection, you don’t recall a tick bite.”
Today’s estimate is so much higher than previous official numbers because most cases go unreported. But the CDC said there has also been a real increase in Lyme cases, likely more than tripling over the past 20 years, as the ticks spread to new areas.
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