Minutes from CAMBC Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Meeting place: 1404 Westwood Rd, Cville 6:30 PM
Present: David Stackhouse, Will Sanford, Al Inigo, Francis Schmit
Treasurer’s report
Francis reported on recent club expenditures, as follows:
- $240 tree puller
- $222 volunteer gifts
- $225 Dale Dudley (ditch witch rental for use at Preddy Creek)
- $95 maintenance/repairs on Ditch witch
- $205 printing costs for flyers at bike shops
- $60 lunch at Preddy Creek workday
- $41 first aid kits
- $545 New Brusher/Trimmer (used for first time, with great success, at Whetstone work day)
- $1110 new pop up tent bearing CAMBC logo
The current (i.e. after above expenditures) balance in the Club treasury is approximately $17,500
Francis also reported that there were a flurry of membership renewals after Dave’s recent email, and there is $2154 balance in PayPal from new memberships and donations, which will be transferred to operating account.
Old Business
Laura Bechtel and Rob Cook are co‐chairs of new membership subcommittee to get accurate membership information and current status; Rob has database and exploring ability to keep on web based storage to have access, he is updating email information. Once we have accurate information on current membership status, the drive to gain new members will continue. Currently, we have approximately 85 verified members.
Still under development with Alex O’Neill taking the lead, and Michelle Co and Matt McClellan now assisting.
Alex has samples of t‐shirts with agreed CAMBC logo.
PREDDY CREEK – county continues to have one work day per month
BLUE RIDGE SCHOOL ‐ Tony Brown from the school wants people to ride their trails, but they need it to be organized group rides. The Board considered how to encourage more people to come out for organized.
The Board discussed the possibility of moving some of the funds currently in the operating account into some type of interest bearing account, both to accrue interest and to segregate from operating account. Francis will look into CD options.
The Board agreed that the Club should have a permanent mailing address. The Board voted unanimously to obtain a P.O. Box for the Club, and Al Inigo will look into the sizes/rates for a P.O. Box at the Downtown Mall Post Office.
The Board authorized Francis to obtain a check/debit card linked to operating account to facilitate purchases.
Carey Hill is the new club “ride coordinator” and will coordinate regularly scheduled rides and getting these rides posted to the website calendar. Carey is already hosting regular beginner rides. We hope to expand the variety of regular rides.
Dave reported that he had been in communication with representatives of the RTF, and that Rex from the RTF was invited to collaborate with CAMBC on possible joint interests and trail building opportunities.
The Board discussed the possibility of trail committee, and the possibility of hosting a trail maintenance instruction day in conjunction with a work day.
GENERAL CLUB MEETING – The Board scheduled a general club meeting for 7 PM on May 25th at Anna’s Pizza. The Club will recognize outgoing board members, volunteers for 2009, hand out trail passes earned by volunteers, and provide status/update on Club activities.
The meeting concluded at approximate 8:20 PM.