CAMBC Meeting Notes
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 7:00 PM, Anna’s Pizza
CAMBC Board and a variety of Members in attendance (not recorded)
- Welcome (Chris) Call meeting to order
- Introductions (Carey) (ask everyone present to go around and say name and highlight any particular involvement with CAMBC or area in which they’d like to get involved. Remind them to sign attendance sheet. Circulate an attendance sign-up sheet for filling in name, contact email, contact phone.
- Financial State of the Union (Ted) (what is current balance and highlight recent significant incoming cash or expenses)
- Membership Update (Marty) (how many current members, encourage renewals of any outstanding members)
- Grant Info (Will) (CAMBC received $4,800 grant from BAMA Works. This will be used to aid in machine rental, education, and safety equipment. We’ve already purchased a grip hoist. More grant money will be needed, and we need someone willing to chase this (but we’re sitting pretty right now…).)
- Pavilion update (Marty) (shows seen, money collected, next chance to volunteer)
- United Way Day of Caring (Chris) (Brief overview. CAMBC needs two or three to lead a 20 person trailwork party. This looks like a Wednesday….)
- Next Trailwork Event (Ted/Jason/Marty) – Walnut? Sherando Date? Project?
9. Preddy Creek Update (Will)
County assessment of existing trails completed. (Pass maps around). Assessment is vague, perhaps intentionally to allow greater room for us. Round table planning session this summer, input needed.
CAMBC point man, besides Will is needed. Ideal person lives close to Preddy (ie highly motivated), is a frequent trail work participant, owns vehicle with good tow capacity. – Francis Schmidt? Jessie Huddleston? Mike Walling?
Round table input discussion (see attached/last page)
- Wild Ride Planning (Marty/Chris) – (Select “volunteers” to plan this shindig)
- SM 100 Support (Chris) – Labor day weekend, CAMBC running aid station
- Rides and Events for 2008 (Carey) – go through the list and solicit 1-2 volunteers to coordinate each. Those leaders should meet outside of this meeting and come up with a schedule to publish on our website (if not a weekly ride). Be clear as to who is doing what—this will form the basis of much of what we do and who is in charge of what for the rest of 2008.)
- a. Women’s Rides – Carey
- b. SERS – Jason
- c. Monday Rides (Will)
- d. Beginner Rides
- e. Expert/Fast Rides
__ WNR’s (Dave W.)_
g. TAKMBD (upcoming)
_ ____________________ __
13. Unfinished Business – Pump track, freeride park.
14. Open floor to members.
15. Forest Service Plan Revision Meeting(Ted) –
- This plan will guide management decisions in the GW.
- Carpool to Lexington for upcoming meeting July 17 (Will to provide exact date/time)
- Encourage people to join IMBA, the VA numbers are pathetic. Chris Scott, our Virginia representative is on top of this. Strong membership numbers help substantiate his position on all these topics.
16. Schedule Next Meeting Date/Time and Location (Carey) – Recommend Tuesday, Sept 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM
Preddy Creek Fact Sheet/Questionnaire
What is Preddy Creek? Approximately 564 acres owned by Albemarle County, located at the intersection of Albemarle, Greene, and Orange County. 453 acres are in Albemarle, 104 acres in Orange, and about 7 acres in Green. This property has been owned by Albemarle for 20+ years and was originally bought as a lake/reservoir site. The lake was never built because of environmental or capacity issues. I’ve heard both stories but don’t know which is correct.
CAMBC pitched the idea of a multiuse trail park at this location to the planning commission over a year ago, and it went over very well. Albemarle has finished its initial assessment of the property. We hope to have round table trail design session this summer with interested parties and ACPR. The goal is to be building trail sometime this fall.
Prior to the round table design meeting, we want input from you on the following:
– Horses do we want them, can we avoid them, how do we manage them, shared or separate trails or separate use hours, keeping people off the trails when wet?
– What features do people want (skills park? Alternate expert lines? Berms? Off leash dog area?). People should be willing to build their feature if they want to be taken seriously.
– Tool trailer storage, northern part of the county.
– ATV’s, same as horses, but County seems set against ATV’s at Preddy so this is likely an non issue at Preddy. What about Byrom?
800 homes to be built on backside in Greene, should this subdivision have official direct access…to an Albemarle funded park? I think access from the subdivision is unavoidable wanted or not. I’d like Albemarle to negotiate w/ the developer for some bridge funding or something similiar. This would benefit the developer as park access could officially be advertised. Emergency access to the backside of the park could be a benefit too.
– One argument is that Albemarle is footing the bill for a park that seems to equally benefit Greene and Orange. Would non-county residents be willing to pay to play if the money went straight to the park? Could Orange and Greene be directly asked for a contribution to funding the development (I don’t see this as very likely to happen)?
– Rustic or developed parking areas, ie gravel & outhouse, or asphalt and plumbing? I think ACPR is concerned over $$. I think we need to push the low budget scenario, focus on getting the trails in. Walnut only has an outhouse most of the year.
News!! — Parks and Rec is leaning to the low budget scenario (10 years is a kids childhood) and will eventually develop more sophisticated parking and trailhead facilities.
– Preliminary trail design has a stacked loop system that grows progressively more difficult the further you get from the parking lot. A perimeter trail goes around the outer edge of the property. Each loop (easiest, intermediate, most difficult) begins and ends near the road frontage of the outer loop. This is to allow better EMC (Emergency Medical Care) access to each trail and to maximize the length of the outer loop as it is can be incorporated in to a route that basically covers every trail in the park, say for a race. Total distance is estimated at about 20 miles.
This design is definitely open to modification. The only requirement is a sustainable alignment, meaning topo lines shouldn’t be crossed at more than a 45 degree angle (unless it’s a switchback) and the slope across the lines shouldn’t exceed 10% (you’ll need to now the scale of your map to keep that in check).
– Other input