Meeting Notes

September 2008

CAMBC Meeting Notes

Tuesday, Sept 16, 2008 @ 7:00 PM, Anna’s Pizza


CAMBC Board and a variety of Members in attendance (not recorded)



  1. Welcome (Chris) Call meeting to order




  1. Introductions (Carey) ask everyone present to go around and say name and highlight any particular involvement with CAMBC or area in which they’d like to get involved. Remind them to sign attendance sheet. Circulate an attendance sign-up sheet for filling in name, contact email, contact phone.



  1. Financial State of the Union (Ted) (what is current balance and highlight recent significant incoming cash or expenses)




  1. Membership Update (Will) (how many current members, encourage renewals of any outstanding members)




  1. Wild Ride Info (Chris) (Who are the volunteers helping put this together. What do you need done?)




  1. Whetstone update (Will) Mt bike access at Whetstone is at risk from Wilderness threat. Please write the Forest Services and tell them:
    1. a.    Existing management policy is working well


  1. b.    CAMBC has done 386 hours of work at Whetstone since 2006


  1. c.    Trail work is difficult due to the length. Mechanized gas powered brushers make it possible for a crew to clear the trail, but its still a full day. Gas brushers are not compatible with Wilderness.




  1. United Way Day of Caring (Chris) (Brief overview. CAMBC needs two or three to lead a 20 person trailwork party. This looks like a Wednesday….)



  1. Next Trailwork Event (Ted/Jason) – Walnut? Sherando Date? Project?



9.  Preddy Creek Update (Will)


Will has met with disc golfers and horse users to develop a trail plan that has minimal friction between various user groups. Hope is to speed up approval process with ACPR. Also extended offer to RTF, but have not been able to facilitate meeting. Very important meeting on Thursday with ACPR. Hopefully the conceptual trail plan will be approved.


CAMBC point man, besides Will is needed. Francis Schmidt is attending Ditchwitch lesson with Will and Ted on Sunday Sept 21.


10. SM 100 Report (Chris) –Good times.




  1. Rides and Events for 2008 (Carey) – go through the list and solicit 1-2 volunteers to coordinate each. Those leaders should meet outside of this meeting and come up with a schedule to publish on our website (if not a weekly ride). Be clear as to who is doing what—this will form the basis of much of what we do and who is in charge of what for the rest of 2008.)
    1. a.    Women’s Rides – Carey
    2. b.    SERS – Jason


  1. c.    Monday Rides (Will)
  2. d.    Beginner Rides


  1. e.    Expert/Fast Rides

__  WNR’s (Dave W.)_


g.  TAKMBD (upcoming)

_    ____________________ __



12. Unfinished Business – Pump track, freeride park.





13. Open floor to members.





14. Encourage people to join IMBA, the VA numbers are pathetic. Chris Scott, our Virginia representative is on top of this. Strong membership numbers help substantiate his position on all these topics) –





15. Schedule Next Meeting Date/Time and Location (Carey) – Recommend Tuesday, Nov 11, 2008 at 7:00 PM