Meeting Notes

October 2006

Notes from October 24, 2006 CAMBC Club Meeting


At Anna’s Pizza, 7:00 p.m.


Next Club Meeting: TBD


Attendees: Board members in attendance: Will Sanford (President), Jason Hiser, Ted Gayle (Treasurer), Marty Quinn (Secretary). 19 total in attendance. See end of document for (almost) full list of attendees.


Topics discussed:


  1. Non-profit 501(c)3 application revision submitted to IRS. CAMBC received comments on the original non-profit application submission. Board members responded to those comments and approval of the club as a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization is pending.
  1. UVA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was submitted to the director of UVA Outdoor Recreation. Awaiting response from UVA.
  1. Albemarle County MOU was submitted to the Department of Parks and Recreation. Awaiting response from county.


  1. Walnut Creek Park Kiosk has been constructed. If you are out at Walnut, look for in the circular traffic island in front of the pavilion. CAMBC will maintain one of the three sides of the Kiosk with mountain bike related info. Suggestions for what to post are welcome. This Kiosk was paid for in part by an IMBA/Clif Bar grant CAMBC received last year.


  1. Rides
    1. Women’s Ride has seen low turnout as of late – may be restructured for next year – suggestions and other ride leaders welcome. Contact Carey Hill @


  1. Night Rides – tis the season. Look for a night ride at DelFosse Vineyards in Nelson county in the near future. Also look for beginner night rides for folks who have never been out in the dark of night and would like to give it a try. Lights can be borrowed from a few generous club members so feel free to ask if you’re interested.


  1. WILD RIDE had a great turnout – ~32 riders – and hit the peak of the fall colors in the mountains. Advocacy efforts continue:


    1. Our representatives from CAMBC, SMBC and IMBA have met with the Wilderness Coalition folks over the last 2 years and made a lot of progress redrawing the wilderness areas to carve our most cherished trails out of the wilerness areas thus preserving them for mountain biking. Work remains but much has been gained.
    1. The definition of a Roadless Area is the most recent threat to our trails in the George Washington National Forest. Much of the area between Rte 33 and Rte 250 are currently designated as roadless areas but much of it could be opened to logging under the proposed redefinition of a roadelss area.


  1. Fall Foliage ride was a success. Members of CAMBC helped lead some rides for the Fall Foliage tours at Sherando. The timing was right to see some peak fall colors.
  1. Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day (TAKMBD) had a lower turnout than expected (most likely because it had to be postponed for a week due to heavy rains) but nevertheless, those kids that were there had a fabulous time. And the event received TV News Coverage from both FOX and CBS news. Look for video clips of the news features on the CAMBC website soon. And thanks to all the events sponsors: Albemarle County


Parks and Rec, IMBA/Clif, C’Ville Bike and Tri, and Blue Wheel Bicycles.

  1. The Panorama Paranormal saw about 100 people pedal for 6 hours around the manicured trails at panorama farm. This venue is now closed but was opened for this event (and may be open for future events – but remember it is currently closed to mountain biking.)
  1. CAMBC now has business cards – contact a board member if you’d like one/some.
  1. CAMBC also now has full color, tri-fold brochures. Look for them in local shops.


  1. At the Albemarle County Planning Commission meeting the Preddy Creek area was a topic of discussion. The biking community, led by CAMBC, will join forces with the Horse Enthusiast Groups in order to plan the new trails expected.


  1. CAMBC will host a workday on Nov 4th at Mint Springs Park.
  1. Patricia Byrom Park – $400k has been budgeted for the construction of a parking area and general access improvements. Byrom park is a priority over Preddy Creek because of this.
  1. With the addition of 3 new venues to our area CAMBC will be looking for volunteers to lead trail maintenance crews. We will have a lot of trail building opportunities for the nest couple of years and having more people comfortable leading work crews will improve our efficiency as a club to get these areas ready for bikes and therefore benefit the community. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Will Sanford at Volunteers would organize workdays at their convenience, have keys to the trailer full of tools, and will be trained in trail building techniques and tool usage.


  1. CAMBC has applied for a visit from the IMBA Trail Care Crew (TCC) in 2007. The last time TCC was here we had a great workday at Walnut Creek Park and got a tremendous amount of work done. Keep you fingers crossed.
  1. CAMBC will begin leading an Intro to Night Rides night ride once a month. Anyone interested in trying night riding should be on the lookout for an announcement. And any CAMBC members that are comfortable loaning their light to a newby, or anyone with an old set of lights, let someone on the CAMBC board know and we will put that light to use.


  1. CAMBC is looking into the possibility of night riding at Walnut Creek Park. It is currently forbidden. CAMBC will be talking with the County Parks and Rec and hopefully can work something out.
  1. Another option for night rides is Shawn Tevendale’s Farm. Shawn has been gracious enough to let the CAMBC list serve know that his farm is open for night rides but you must contact Shawn directly to schedule the ride. Send an email to the CAMBC list serve to contact Shawn.




Keith Payne


Erica Storey

Jesse Huddleston

Travis Blalock


Will Sanford

Jason Hiser

Marty Quinn


Paul Buschi

Megan Tillet

Eric Anderson


Mike Hurley

Erin Johnston

Mary Carson


Carey Hill

Jerry Matthews

James Gist


Ted Gayle